Sunday, February 6, 2011

balikkk ulussss

jam berganti jam..
hari berganti hari...
akhirnya duti pom dah habisss...

nih lah adat resam hidup seorang pelajar...
klu x pi belajar..
mau jadi apa haaa....
amanat umi baba jangan di khianati...

belajaq selagi boleh belajaq nih...

ok lah.. got to go now...
u c all at ulussss lah...
entah bila laa plop leh post entry baru nih,..
klu ado maso..
n unimap x block d blog...
boleh lah i post nooo...

badget org baca lah noo...
xpo2.. dadar tulis untuk dadar...
not for others...

ok then...

assalamualaikum wbt...

Friday, February 4, 2011

alhamdulillah segalanya selamat

alhamdulillah wa syukrulillah...

setakat nih...
segalanya selamat,...
semuanya berjalan lancar...
semua berjalan seperti yang dirancang...

dik mat pom ado call maren dulu....
katanya semuanya ok di sana...
makan minum still cukop...
xdop apo yg perlu dirisaukan..
mahupon dikhawatirkan...

apa yang pasti kini...
moga mereka selamat walau di mana mereka berada...
sesungguhnya... tiada putus perutusan doa buat mereka di sana...
dari kami di malysia ini,...

banyak yang menjadi tanda tanya,...
kenapa banyak berita yang disiarkan...
tidak seperti yang sebenarnya...
baca macam2 blog dah sy nih....
ssekejap begitu ..
sekejap begini...
samapi poning kepalo eden..

sat noo...
nk copi 1 thing...

Pihak Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia pada ketika ini telah dimaklumkan mengenai pengumuman cuti oleh beberapa buah universiti utama di sana. Cairo University menetapkan cuti selama 3 bulan; Universiti Al-Azhar selama 1 tahun; manakala Ain Shams University menetapkan cuti selama 6 bulan.

haa... mesti dah ramai yg baca nih kan...
pelik x...
kata cuti setahun..
namun.. apabila tanya kawan2 kat sana...
depa sdiri pom x tahu yg depa diberi cuti setahun...
xdop apo2 kabar pom dari u depa....
especiallu u al-azhar..
tempat adik mat n sain2 d sano...
macam2 kan penyebar maklumat nih...
kita baca n percaya..
yg sebetulnya x tahu lah...

sat.. ado lagi...

TERKINI : Maklumat daripada Bilik Gerakan Kedutaan
1. Kos perjalanan Kaherah - Jeddah ditanggung oleh pihak kerajaan
2. Sara hidup sepanjang di Jeddah ditanggung oleh pihak kerajaan.
3. Kos untuk pulang ke Malaysia dengan kapal TLDM yang ditanggung oleh pihak kerajaan. Kapasiti muatan seramai 500-600 orang sahaja.
‎4. Perjalanan Jeddah - KL dengan tanggungan sendiri
5. Perjalanan Jeddah - Cairo juga dengan tanggungan sendiri
maklumat diperolehi daripada Encik Wan Ahmad Tarmizi Wan Idris Sekretariat Evakuasi, melalui panggilan telefon pada jam 12.48pm waktu Mesir

haaaa.. ini satu lagi... nih pom x sure datangnya dari mana...
tgk kat tv semalam...
katanya semuanya free...
n kat tv pom kata...
jangan percaya apa yg dikatakan oleh benda2 nih....

n jugak jangan politikkan krisis di mesir / isi pemindahan pelajar ini..

kadang.. raso pelik jugak...
kenapa wujudnya story2 yg x benar nih...

klu xder angin..
masakan pokok bergoyang..

kan kan kan...

lagi2.. nih bukan benda pelik dah., hehehe...







MASA: 2.00 PM

FOKUS: Berbincang dengan semua ibubapa yang mempunyai anak di Mesir BERSAMA MB Kelantan dan EXCO Neg. Kelantan tentang aspek kewangan atau pengumpulan dana untuk membawa pulang anak-anak ke tanah air.

No. Telefon Alumni : 017-9231129

MENJEMPUT SEMUA IBU BAPA yang tinggal di Negeri Kelantan yang MEMPUNYAI ANAK-ANAK yang belajar di Mesir.

Segala informasi lanjut boleh hubungi no. telefon yang di sediakan di atas. Majlis inibukan/tidak melibatkan di anjurkan oleh SQUAD PERHUBUNGAN MALAYSIA MESIR.

ok.. nih adalah pengunguman yg dituju buat umi n baba n seangkatan dengannya,...
esok umi suh baba pi nih...
moga2 dapat lah kita tahu apa yg berlaku n apa keadaan anak2 n adik2 kita di sana dengan menghadiri nih... huk89..

ok.. i think thats all 4 today.. next time lak i update bout krisis d mesir ni nooo...

huk89... until... assalamualaikum wbt...

kerdilnya aku di sisi MU

assalamualaikum wbt...

setinggi2 kesyukuran aku panjatkan kepada MU YA ALLAH...

di atas segala limpah, inayah, kurnia, n rahmat yang telah ENGKAU berikan kepada hambaMU yang bernama syahida farhan binti azha ini.....




segala nikmat dunia telah KAU berikan pada hambamu ini YA ALLAH....

segala yang aku mahukan....
berupa kasih sayang umi baba,..
x lupa jugak hal2 dunia yag aku impikan...
berunsur material, atau apo2 pom....
semua itu aku dapat di dunia ini,...

begitu pemurah n penyayangnya MU YA ALLAH ...
terkadang aku terfikir...
atas segala apa yang kau berikan ini...
apa pula balasan yang aku boleh bagi padaMU YA ALLAH...

sudah cukupkan bekalan ibadah yang aku buat ????
sudah tentu tidak wahai syahida....
kau sendiri pon tahu itu bukan...
sangat cetek ilmu aku...
sangat sedikit ibadahku...
sangat banyak dosa ku....
begitu jahil lagi aku...

bekalah apa ja yang aku ada...
sepanjang hidup ini...
sepanjang 22 tahun hidupku ini...
untuk mengadapMU nanti YA ALLAH...


aku memohon padamu YA ALLAH....
tetapkan hatiku...
jangan KAU bolak balikkan hati ini...
sesungguhnya hati ini sediakala tidak tetap...

oleh itu teguhkan hatiku ini YA ALLAH....
dalam menghadapi dunia yang penuh cabaran...
berhadapan dengan segala mehnah n tribulasi dunia ini....

ampunkan dosaMU ini...
aku bertaubat dari segala dosa YA ALLAH...
dari segala maksiat duniwi yang aku create sdiri ini...
kerdilnya aku disisiMU ...


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

how are u there adik mat???

assalamualaikum wbt...


didnt know how to express this feeling by rite now...
all in 1...
sad, depresss, melancoly, choked, worried, n bla bla bla...

including this day,
i think it already more than 1weeks ...
the chaos in egypt had happened...
but , until now...
still does'nt know bout my lil brother condition...
lost contact at all....

but then, 1 thing that make me released a litle bit is...
last night,
in facebook... i had read sumting bout the students condition there...
even it not totally refer to my lil brother...
but it still ok then...
the commenters said that,
dun worry too much since the students who are stay at my lil bro place...
all are in controlled n save...
fuhhhh... feel released...

if u all watch the news last nite...
our PM said that,
the government is considering using the Royal Navy's auxiliary ship patrolling the Gulf Of Aden to evacuate Malaysian caught in the Egyption unrest.

n in news straight times today, if it is possible...

the Malaysians would first be evacuated to a country near Egypt, possibly Jordan or Saudi Arabia, before being taken back to Malaysia on board the ship.

an option would be used as a contingency plan to bring them home, adding that military assets would be on standby for deployment.

“The five-member team which flew to Egypt on Monday night have arrived into monitor the situation and decide if the Malaysians studying and working there should be evacuated immediately...

Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Senator A. Kohilan Pillay is leading the team, which comprises officers from the National Security Council and Higher Education Ministry.

“The ship, which can accommodate about 500 students on its deck, is expected to arrive at the Port of Adabiya on Saturday.” The prime minister said he had discussed with Foreign Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman about asking Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and AirAsia to make special flights to Cairo to also bring Malaysian students home.

“They (MAS and AirAsia) will inform me today on the possibility of using their aircraft for the mission.” Najib said the government would also try to bring the students to Jeddah and to temporarily house them at the Tabung Haji Centre there until flights were available for them to return to Malaysia.

However, he added, some matters had to be sorted out first like the students’ v i s a s.

“The government is, therefore, communicating with the Saudi Arabian government for our students to be allowed to be brought to Jeddah.” Najib said the government would provide more information on the matter to the students and their parents today.

Kohilan said Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) aircraft would also be used to bring Malaysian students out of Egypt to neighbouring countries in stages. He said the aircraft would also be used to transport foodstuff and drinks to the students.

Kohilan, who is now in Egypt to monitor the situation, said the Malaysia Abbasiyah Hall, houses owned by Malaysian state governments in Cairo, and Mara House in Alexandria, had been turned into safe houses for students and other Malaysians in Egypt.

“To ensure their safety and daily needs are met, the government has upped the security and sent food and other necessities to these places.” He and Sahlan had earlier met officers of the state government houses and Malaysian students’ representatives and found them to be safe and in good spirits.

Sahlan said until yesterday, 150 Malaysian students and other Malaysians stranded since last Saturday had flown home at their own expense via Oman, Abu Dhabi and Amsterdam.

He also advised Malaysians, including the students’ parents, to postpone any trips to Egypt.

In Sepang, the turmoil in Cairo has affected direct flights from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) to the Egyptian capital.

Last night, a Cairo-bound Egyptair flight from KLIA was cancelled.

A spokesperson for the company at the airport said they were now making arrangements with other airlines to transport the passengers via other cities including Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

A group of journalists and crew members of Media Prima, who were supposed to board a 12.30am Egyptair flight, had to take an Emirates Airlines flight at 2am under an arrangement made by the Egyptian carrier.

Egyptair is the only carrier here which runs direct flights four times a week to Cairo out of KLIA.

Meanwhile, agencies reported that Egyptair cancelled all domestic and international flights between 3pm and 8am — the hours of the Egyptian government-imposed curfew — starting Monday. — Bernama

hohoho... i hope it is possible to bring all the malaysian students going back home since it does not show any sign to stop the egypt unrest.... better they are all here for the sake of their life ...

we dont know when it gonna to stop.. ONLY ALLAH SWT KNOWS THAT...

we all plan.. by HE determined it...


plez be alert to what had happened in Egypt NOW!! do not ignore it,,

our PROPHET had said that " laisa minni man la yahtammu bi ahwalil muslimin"!!


